We cannot thank you enough for saving Cayden. He is such a huge part of our lives and couldn’t imagine being without him. You have made it possible for him to be a puppy again and to enjoy his special life with us. It was such a gift to see him be reunited with his brother, Romeo and how happy they’ve been since his return. Again, thank you for taking such wonderful care of Cayden, we couldn’t have asked for more.
The Animal Health Center has cardiologists to help treat your pet’s heart issues with the highest level of care. Pets can develop complex heart issues the same way people do. It’s important to choose a vet with experience and a history of success in veterinary cardiology.
If your pet is showing symptoms of heart problems or respiratory disease (or has an existing problem), call us to get started on a comprehensive treatment plan. The veterinary cardiologists at The Animal Health center have a strong reputation providing pet owners with some of the best care available.
Call Us Now To Learn More
Our specialists will work with you on a comprehensive evaluation and assessment of your pet, discuss the appropriate treatment options and answer any and all questions you might have regarding treatment.
Developing a comprehensive treatment plan for your pet that addresses their particular needs is critical. Once established, your can trust in our team to provide a safe and successful plan for long term management. Our pet cardiologists are committed to improving the quality of life and maintaining pet health for as long as possible.
Heart Problems or Respiratory Disease Symptoms
Coughing or Similar Breathing Problems
Shortness of Breath
General Weakness (passing out or falling down)
Irregular Heartbeat or Heart Murmers
Birth Disorders (Congenital Heart Disease)
High Blood Pressure
High Blood presure in the lungs
Infectious diseases or bacterial infections
Conditions Treated
Enlarged Heart
Heart Failure
High Blood Pressure
Congenital Heart Defects
Irregular Heart Beat
Existing Heart Conditions & Disease